
Simian Enterprises is a bespoke web application development company founded by Gary Stanton.

Gary Stanton

I discovered the internet in 1996 and I've been coding pretty much every day since then.

Two decades later and creating websites is still my favourite thing in the world. I love that the web industry is so fast moving, new ideas and techniques are created every single day. I never stop learning new things, and that's a great position to be in.

I specialse in developing bespoke applications, built to automate the day to day tasks of my clients' businesses. I aim to write elegant, maintainable code with attention to detail at the core of what I do.

I love all aspects of the web, but I'm particularly fond of CFML, Javascript, CSS & POSH - probably in that order.

I also co-founded a t-shirt company creating designs based on old skool retro video games: RetroGT.com.

You can find my personal blog over at garystanton.co.uk.


Simian Enterprises Ltd. is a development company founded by Gary Stanton, an experienced web developer working by the sea in Brighton, UK.
Gary's been creating websites since 1996 and still loves it. Read more


Gary Stanton


01273 775522


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Website Design & Development